I keep coming back to this to spur a bit of thought but also as a bit of solace. I'm a student at a similar institution to yours, and even though it's well known (at least our department) for producing higher level federal public service types, and most of my peers are of similar ambition– there's no rally for it, no assuredness or focus on maintenance. There's this weird duality that many students have that you touch on: most are destined for these positions (and they even know it) but don't want to acknowledge it forthright, mostly because of the culture behind what success is (though we are all still able to trash the adjacent business school precisely because of that ethos).

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I've been thinking (maybe obsessing) about this for awhile too. Mostly because it is so DUH obvious that we've failed to do so much of the necessary naintenance here in the US. I've done a lot of stuff in my lifetime, and now, retired, the only thing I continue to do regularly is bicycle maintenance. Because it's fun, and I have the tools. And it's hugely gratifying (simple pleasures) to return a 40 year old machine to working order with hand tools and grease and the knowledge and experience to get it done in what is for me a reasonable amount of time. This frame of mind can apply across the world of endeavor.

Lastly, it was bicycle mechanics of the late 19th century who devised the automobile (and the airplane!) Just to note that in maintainers are the practical skills, knowledge and insight that can lead to the very breakthroughs the move-fast-&-breakers worship.

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